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The Venice Mandolin and Guitar Ensemble is a chamber ensemble consisting of mandolins, mandola and guitars dedicated to showing to the world audience the unlimited richness of Italian Classical Music for plucked instruments.


This tradition began in Venice and Italy's Veneto region during the Renaissance with the luthier's families Tieffenbrucker and Sellas and continued with the wonderful Baroque Concertos for mandolins by Antonio Vivaldi and Johann Hasse.


The 18th Century brought instruments built by Giuseppe Molinari and  the 19th Century works by Ermanno Wolf-Ferrari, who introduced mandolin in many Operas.

The Ensemble offers a rich repetoire ranging from Baroque to  Romaticism and Italian folk songs and famous soundtracks.


The Venice Mandolin and Guitar Ensemble - an activity by Agape Associazione Culturale - was founded in March 2014 following the experience of Quartetto a pizzico "Riccardo Drigo",  had the opportunity to play in Syracuse, Asolo, Treviso, Vicenza, Padua and Venice.



All our recitals

Archivio concerti


  • 22/09 Borgoricco, Padova, Teatro Aldo Rossi. Orchestra di Mandolini e Chitarre delle Venezie. Direttore Maura Mazzonetto.

  • 08/08 Roana, Vicenza, Chiesa di Mezzaselva

  • 03/08 Lonigo, Vicenza, Rocca Pisana, duo mandolino e clavicembalo Emanuele Cappellottto & Chiara de Zuani

  • 21/07 Lonigo, Vicenza, Rocca Pisana

  • 06/07 Venezia, musica in battello storico, due duo mandolino e chitarra

  • 25/05 Campo san Martino, Padova, Chiesa di Busiago. Orchestra di Mandolini e Chitarre delle Venezie. Direttore Maura Mazzonetto

  • 08/05 Venezia, Hotel Marriott in trio due mandolini e chitarra



  • 01/07 Lonigo, Vicenza, Rocca Pisana

  • 07/06 Selva del Montello, Treviso in duo di mandolini Emanuele Cappellotto & Giulio Sensolo

  • 24/03 Vicenza, Teatro Comunale. Orchestra di Mandolini e Chitarre delle Venezie in collaborazione con Conservatorio di Padova. Direttore Maura Mazzonetto

  • 25/02 Venezia, Palazzo Pisani Moretta, partecipazione al Ballo del Doge

  • 21/01 Venezia, Ca' Sagredo

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